Taking care of ourselves can be hard work. Especially when we have other commitments like family, work, studying, pets and finances. Self-care can be seen as another ‘task’ that needs adding to the never-ending list but the thing is, it’s an investment no matter where you are in your journey. Self-care techniques can help manage the symptoms of many mental health problems so it’s not something to be ignored.
If you’re seeking a sustainable, healthy and balanced life, one vital habit to gain is the prioritisation of self-care. It’s a form of self-respect and it can help you succeed in so many areas of your life. In this post, we’ve rounded up our favourite self-care products and practices you NEED to live your best life!
We’ll cover:
- What is Self-Care?
- The Best Self-Care Products and Practices
What is Self Care?
Self-care is not synonymous with self-indulgence or being selfish. It means taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can do your job, you can perform well and you can care for others in the best way. Self-care contributes to helping you accomplish the most out of each day.

Whether it’s a new wellbeing product you love, decluttering your space or refining your social media feeds, self-care is easily added into your routine. Self-care can be one product you use daily to help yourself unwind. Or, it can be a framework of strategies you follow to ensure you feel at your best – either way, it’s important that you choose what’s right for you.
It doesn’t mean the same thing for everyone. Different people will adopt different self-care practices, and even your definition might change over time. It’s important to stay open-minded and understand what your body might need at a given time.
The Best Self-Care Products and Practices
It’s great having lots of lotions and potions but the things you’re consuming must be pure, natural and have a purpose to ensure you reap the benefits. We know it’s important for you to repair, relax and feel energised day-to-day to truly perform at your greatest. With that in mind, we have picked a selection of products and product types that are easily implemented into your existing routine.
Essential Oils
Self-care practices can be enhanced by the incorporation of essential oils, but what are they? Essential oils are natural oils extracted from various plants and can be used to enhance your well-being and balance your mind, body and spirit.
This is most commonly done through smelling or topical application of the oils to your skin as a self-massage. Essential oils can be used to improve sleep, your mood, your energy levels and reduce anxiety. It’s worth noting, different oils offer different benefits – the perfect addition to your self-care!
Repair CBD Products
Feeling sore after your workout? Just finished a long shift at work? We know the feelings of tiredness and muscle fatigue all too well. These feelings are common and adequately adapting our routines can help reduce the impact of stress and fatigue overall.
We believe recovery is just as important as performance – in the gym, at work or competing. Our Repair products are expertly formulated using CBD, Limonene and other natural terpenes blends. These products are associated with reducing sports recovery times, easing chronic pain, inflammation and even skin blemishes.
You deserve to feel confident, and comfortable and prioritise your health every day. These products can be implemented into your self-care routine post-workout or after a long shift – you deserve to take control.
Relax CBD Products
Find it hard to switch off after a long day? Are you dreaming of a time you didn’t feel anxious? Feeling stressed is a normal emotion to feel but did you know, there’s a lot we can do to reduce the effects and symptoms we may be feeling?
Our Relax products are expertly designed with an anxious and stressed mind at heart. Relax products are expertly formulated safely using CBD, Myrcene and natural terpene blends for the desired effect. They’re designed to improve sleep quality, reduce the symptoms of overall stress and anxiety and ease any underlying nerves.
This is a great self-care product to implement just before bed. Take a breath, relax – you’ve got this.
Energise CBD Products
Finding it hard to get your mojo back? Struggling to feel energised? Being a parent, studying, and working long hours can all be taxing on the body. Feeling energised and ready for the day is something you can achieve with this element of self-care.
Our Energise products are expertly formulated using organic ingredients including CBD, Citral and other natural terpenes. They’re purpose-built to help improve your concentration and they can help aid sustained energy – you will be able to tick off those to-do’s and smash your day in no time!
To make a change and feel lasting effects, you need to be consistent with the products and practices you do. Energise products are a great self-care product to start your day with and set yourself up for greatness.
Silk Eye Mask
Sounds luxurious, doesn’t it? Well, if you struggle to get a good night’s sleep, this could help you drift off peacefully. Silk eye masks help to prevent sunlight from reaching the retina of your eyes (prevents activating your sleep-wake cycle) and it’s very beneficial for the skin too. Silk is a smooth, soft and breathable material and has many benefits! Moisturising properties, body temperature regulation and wrinkle prevention… BLISS!
Manage Your Digital Landscape
We’re currently in a tech-driven, always-on society. But it’s important to remember that before you’re a media consumer, your purpose has been much greater. It’s great to stay informed via social media and reading the paper, but be careful with how the content you engage with makes you feel.
Studies suggest that globally the average amount of time people spend online is two hours per day. But this increases in countries like the UK and across age groups. Do yourself a favour – unfollow anyone who can shift your mood in a negative direction and limit your screen time.
Follow and add people/accounts that inspire you or bring you joy and limit news updates to two times a day if you must. The result will be a detoxed feed and a new feeling of motivation and happiness.
Learn A New Skill
In the spirit of living your best life, self-care also includes keeping your mind sharp and creative. One of the best ways to do this is by learning a new skill. More than half (52 percent) of professionals consider learning part of their self-care routine. But it doesn’t always have to be a skill that’s directly related to your studies or your day job. You could take time out to read a new book, learn a new language or sport and adapt your expertise in other areas.

Enhance your self-esteem and have a greater ability to cope with stress by learning new skills. If going to a class is challenging to fit into your schedule, rest assured there are many online tutorials you could follow on YouTube. With modern technology, the sky’s the limit for learning new skills!
Declutter and Organise
Is your mind feeling cluttered? Chances are, it could be your surroundings that are affecting this – your car, your workspace or even your home. Your physical environment can influence your emotions, behaviour and decision-making process. To make sure you’re giving yourself the greatest chance of living your best life, it’s time to get organised and declutter your space.
Spend a little time after work/study hours tidying up your desk, car, and home. If it takes less than 60 seconds to tidy, then DO IT there and then. Otherwise, schedule some time in your day to get it sorted. Tidy your space and make it a place you want to be – don’t put it off anymore.
What are examples of self-care?
Answer: There are endless examples of self-care, but here are a few to get you started:
• Get enough sleep.
• Eat healthy foods.
• Exercise regularly.
• Take time for yourself every day to do something that you enjoy.
• Spend time with loved ones.
• Practice meditation or mindfulness.
• Connect with nature.
What is the meaning of self-care?
Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our physical, mental, or emotional health.
Self-care is important because it helps us stay healthy, both physically and mentally. When we take care of ourselves, we’re able to be in a better space to take care of those around us. When we don’t prioritize our own well-being, we end up being less effective in other areas of our lives.
Self-care looks different for everyone – there is no “right” way to do it. It simply depends on what makes you feel good and what works for you.
Always Support Your Lifestyle and Overall Wellness
Prioritising your wellbeing will help you have better relationships, boost your self-esteem and it will help you have the confidence to achieve your greatest goals. Self-care can be implemented from the moment you have finished this post… You don’t need to wait until you’re struggling.
Want to learn more about wellness, improving your lifestyle and our handy tips for living your best, stress-free life? Grab yourself a copy of our FREE Ebook today and prioritise your wellbeing – you deserve it.
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